Bell Peppers | Eggplants | Celery |
-Seed germination requires 70°F+ (you can place them on top of your fridge for added heat, or on a heating pad) -Soil pH between 5.5.-6.5 -For quick germination, you can place seeds in between two wet paper towels and in a Ziploc bag -Organically rich, well- draining soil -Plant seeds 1/4″ deep after germination -Bell peppers are sensitive to having their roots disturbed so be careful when transplanting -Transplant at 4-6″ tall -Harden off 10 days before transplanting -Don’t plant where nightshades grew previously -Full sun | -Organically rich, sandy soil -Plant 1/4″ deep or place between wet paper towels and keep warm until it germinates (does best at 70°-90°F) -Water well and keep loosely covered with a lid/plastic bag -If you don’t see condensation forming on the covering, you need to mist the seeds -After about 7-14 days, your seed should be germinated and you can take off the covering and place it under grow lights -Continue keeping seedlings moist for the next 8-10 weeks -Start fertilizing about every week once you see “true” leaves -Start hardening once soil temperatures reach 60°F -Full sun | -Soak seeds in warm water overnight -Plant in soil, but do not cover with soil -Retain moisture by keeping them covered with some sort of lid/wrap for the first week -You’ll need a grow light after the first sprouts appear and provide light for 16 hours/day -Keep grow lights 3 inches above seedlings -Prefer temperatures between 70°-75°F/day, 60°-65°F/night -Mist regularly -Transplant once they’re 2″ tall -Harden off seedlings before transplanting -Prefer cooler temperatures and need to stay well hydrated |
-Refer to our starter guide regarding “starting seeds” for more tips on how to best start seeds and see the advantages of starting seeds indoors
-Click here for a great place to find NON-GMO, USDA Organic-certified seeds
-Click here for a reasonable seed starter tray, or make your own from recycled materials like egg cartons or take out trays (even better if you still have the lid!)
-Click here for a great organic soil for seed starting or here for seed starting pellet
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