Easy Seed-Starting With Toilet Paper Rolls!

Easy Seed-Starting With Toilet Paper Rolls!

How was everyone’s first day of spring? Did you get a chance to start any seeds, or maybe go on a walk to enjoy the sunshine and enjoy all the green?

How I Planted My First Seed (Toilet Paper Rolls!)

Here at my house, I was running around trying to find what I could use last-minute for gardening materials (at least until what I ordered comes in the mail)!

You see, I signed a pledge last night to be a part of the #plantaseed movement with Big Green. I really wanted to do my part to spread awareness of the importance of growing nutritious foods and making similarly nutrient-dense foods available to all families—no matter their financial situation.

Gardening Is For Everyone

One way we can all do this is by starting seeds indoors. Starting seeds is a more cost-effective solution compared to growing transplants (plants that have already been grown for you).

Many people may be overwhelmed with starting their own garden because they may think they lack the expertise, or that it just costs too much money.

The truth is, there are a variety of different styles and types of gardening, and there are gardens to suit every sort of space, expertise, or even monetary limitation.

And if you think it’s just a matter of being a plant killer—don’t worry. Nothing you do today or tomorrow or the next day needs to be anything difficult. One of the great things about gardening is that you can start where you are.

Toilet Paper Roll Seed-Starting!

If you’re wondering what two toilet paper rolls are doing with dirt in them, I’ll let you in on something cool! You can actually cut up toilet paper rolls to start your seeds!

This is the perfect project if you’re stuck at home or don’t have access to other supplies! If you’re wondering what to do with your kids at home all day, this could just be your answer—at least for a couple of minutes!

The downside of it being so easy to do is it might not keep your kids entertained for very long!

Gardening—A Lifelong Education

But just think of it! This could be a great way to introduce your children to gardening and help them see that it’s fun!

Exposing them to what it’s like to feel the dirt in their hands, and see something they planted themselves grow from a seedling to a big and beautiful plant can be incredibly rewarding for them.

It can also be a great asset and skill for them to have for the rest of their lives!

Talk about solving the issue of food insecurity! You’ve basically set them up for life!

As long as they have the resources to find some seeds, dirt, water, and basic materials around their house, they’ll have the skills necessary to provide nutritious foods for them and their family.

Get Involved

If you are interested in how communities are providing this kind of education for children through learning gardens, etc. you can hop on over to Big Green’s site and check out what sorts of programs could be available to you!

Or if you’d like to know how you can support a good cause by buying seeds you can check out Seeds of Change.

But enough of my ranting! Here’s how you do it!


  • Used toilet paper rolls
  • Seeds
  • Scissors
  • Potting mix
  • Waterproof container
  • Refrigerator or other source of heat (or you can purchase a heating mat)
  • Plastic wrap


All you need to do is make four cuts equidistant from each other about 1/3 of the way up the roll.

Then you just fold each flap like your folding the bottom of a cardboard box.

Place your toilet roll “pot” in your waterproof container.

Once your toilet paper roll’s bottom is all closed up and in a container, you can start putting in your potting soil.

You’ll want to fill it as close to the top as you can and pack it down.

This is where you’ll want to look closely at your seed packet for instructions.

You can use a stick to make the hole for your seed the depth recommended on the back of the seed packet and then drop it in!

Now you can water your little seedling, making sure to wet the whole roll without letting it stand in water.

Once you’ve done that, you can then cover your container with either some sort of plastic lid or a piece of plastic wrap.

By doing this, you’ll trap in the moisture to provide some humidity so your seed can germinate. Just make sure you leave some room for air to still be able to circulate so you don’t end up with mold.

You’ll want to keep checking to make sure your toilet roll remains wet. You can give it a little more water if it looks like it’s starting to dry up.

Now just watch for sprouts!

How’d It Go?

Have you done this before? What has your experience been like with using toilet paper rolls? Do you prefer a different method?

If this was your first time, how did it go? Would you do it again? Was it fairly simple? Is your plant growing nice and tall?

Remember you can reference our starter guide for any other questions you might have!

We’d love to hear all about your experiences in the comments below or on our Facebook page!

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